In 1997, somewhat earlier than envisaged, the final stage of the ten-year-plan was put into motion. This involved a radical modernisation of the entire shop and the construction of a six metre extension to the rear of the shop incorporating a new office and storeroom and a second  entrance facing the Calder Highway. The dividing wall down the centre of the shop was removed as were the old office and stroreroom, the entire building was repainted, carpeted throughout and insulation installed in the ceiling. Builder was Rick Collier, nephew of the original builder Alan Collier, concreter again Ralph Dorigo, plumber Barry Williams, windows and door Lowe's Glass, painting Terry McEwan and signwriting by former "paper-boy" Kevin Borgelt. Work began in September and was completed in November in time for Christmas trading.

    The new millenium saw the introduction to Australia of the GST. This lead to an immediate boost to the electronics trade with many businesses and farmers taking the opportunity to computerise with the result that Lloyd's Newsagency was awarded the Tandy Award of Excellence for the Highest % Gain in Purchases for Victoria and Tasmania for fiscal year 1999.
The "West" entrance to Lloyd's Newsagency following the 1997 extensions.
    With the pending closure of the Sea Lake branch of the Bank of Melbourne an approach was made to Keva and Lesley in January 2000 to incorporate an In-Store Branch in their business. Following consultation an agreement was reached and in May 2000 Bank of Melbourne In-Store Branch 033 729 opened for business. Customers now enjoyed longer hours of service and face-to-face banking was secured for Sea Lake for years to come. To compliment the new-look banking chamber a new checkout and Tatts counter was fitted at a cost of $4000.

    In 2002 the National Bank closed its Sea Lake branch leaving the Bank of Melbourne In-Store in Lloyd's Newsagency as the only fully on-line banking service in the town. The Bank of Melbourne brand was to be shortlived as Westpac reverted to the parent name shortly after. To cope with the increased store traffic Lesley Stacey and Anita Harding joined the staff. After many years of valued service Loretta Francis retired and with her husband Charlie, moved to Mildura. By June 2001, the need for a third bank officer became evident and Liz McInerney joined the staff until February 2002 when she departed to accept longer hours at Sea Lake Foodworks. Colleen Roberts joined the staff for a brief period in 2004 replacing Lesley Stacey who left to pursue a career in nursing. Colleen left to take up a full-time position at St. Mary's in July 2005 and she was replaced by Debbie Peters. In March 2006 Anita Harding retired and Lorelle Budde re-entered the workforce as a Westpac Teller after extending her family. Jenny White and Lesley Stacey continued to 'pop' in for a day shift every now and again and Maureen Allan also found herself behind the counter on occasions.
    A brazen burglar paid the newsagency an unwanted visit at around 6.30 am on the morning of June 8, 2007 and pocketed a small amount of takings from the Tattslotto drawer and some scratchies but in doing so, tripped the Westpac alarm and made a hasty getaway. The offender continues to elude the police to this day. Security sensor lights were installed following this event to act as a further deterent.

   Darrell Lea arrived in Sea Lake in February 2010 and Lloyd's Newsagency was chosen as the best outlet, customers now enjoying a confectionery range previously only available in larger centres. This range was extended in 2013 to include Ernest Hillier and Chocolatier.

   However there was trouble brewing ..... read on ...
The "North" entrance to the Newsagency, 1999