Disaster looms .....

Mangement and staff ... in fact the whole district was rocked when Westpac officials announced in late July 2012 that the Sea Lake Instore would cease operations in November! In spite of the fact that in the 12-year life of the Instore there had never been an annual review of any sort or the setting of any goals or targets, it seemed that there was little that could be done to save the branch. On a performance ranking of the 160-odd Westpac Instores across Australia, Sea Lake was virtually last!

    Federal Member for Mallee, the Honorable John Forrest was informed and immediately took up the fight to Westpac at the Speed Field Days in August demanding a meeting with "the Boss".   A Public Meeting was arranged, a WINNews team attended and at the enormous cost of the Instore's retainer, Westpac relented and agreed to a 12-month moratorium with new targets set.

    So began the most challenging year for Lloyd's Newsagency since the Great Depression. The task was daunting. Failure could well mean the end of the entire business. For much of the year ahead, Keva and Lesley worked for Westpac for nothing, the remuneration barely covering the staff wages.

    Shannon O'Doherty, the new manager appointed to the parent branch in Swan Hill and his team were brilliant in support. The Sea Lake Instore team learnt well and learnt quickly what was needed in this time of crisis. Many of the regular Sea Lake customers took up the challenge and adjusted their banking habits accordingly and the fight to save the town's last remaining branch of the big three banks was on in earnest. Only time would tell if the efforts would be enough.
Best St. frontage in 2012 ... would the Westpac sign be gone by Christmas?
..... and triumph results!

   By mid-year 2013, it seemed that Sea Lake Instore was on the right track. The performance rating had risen dramatically to 88 but more was needed to secure the branch.

    The "secret" to the resurgence was the use of the Westpac referral system where the Instore staff refers customers to the parent branch. Articles in the local media encouraged customers to utilise the system at all times. Again the community responded, new accounts were opened, new customers added and by September 2013, Sea Lake Instore had reached #3 on the ratings chart. A new determination was decided by the Sea Lake Instore team to aim for the covetted #1 position and by the end of October, that position was gained! Twelve months after the Instore was due to close, Sea Lake Instore was now the #1 performing Instore in Australia.

    But this was no "flash in the pan"! Twelve months later, Sea Lake Instore was again the #1 performing Instore in Australia!

    Today Keva and Lesley, together with Debbie and Lorelle, are carrying on the family tradition in the operation of Lloyd's Newsagency and the Westpac Instore and offer the same friendly and efficient service that their parents and grandparents were well known for over a period of nearly 100 years.

But the end was looming ..... read on ....  
Westpac banking 'chamber' ... decked out in the new colour scheme.